
Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Business of Life...

20 days since my last post and you would think I would be overflowing with gossip, good news, and wittiness out the ying-yang...well, life is quite the score of days I have nothing to say other than is crazy!!!!!!! Just when you think you have it all figured out...just when you think you're prepared, something spirals into your path that you never-ever expected!

The only thing I've learned to do, is change my way of thinking. I am what I think and that's really what fuels my esteem and how I feel about life in general. If something happens I have this strange gift or curse, I haven't quite figured out which one, of not allowing it to linger in the forefront of my mind. I have learned to let it go and not worry about tomorrow and damn sure don't linger on the past, because that's energy that's being wasted!

I used to drink at a high level. Not to the point of vomiting or passing out, but I drank to numb old feelings and I learned very quickly (and financially, I might add)...that that doesn't work. The problem is still there, along with a hangover, and a tab on your bank statement that you still can't quite figure out how many of those drinks belonged to you! Which brings me to circumventing our selves with people who've decided to address their problems head on...I'm tired of the revolving door method and I want solutions, so that when I'm out....I'm out! Not turning back, no seeing it again in another situation...and even if I do recognize it again, my exit strategy will already be in place.

To those who enjoy my blogs....sorry about the length of time between my postings...I'm completely overwhelmed with the business of life at times. And while the blog is definitely on my mind, my body is needed elsewhere. I'm sort of an important person you know!!

Nonetheless, I'll get better at attending to this place. This is my personal therapy. Those who personally know me, know that I'm very honest about how I feel, whether perceived weak or strong, I let it all out! It doesn't mean I'm losing it, but I am losing "the thing" that's on my heart at the moment! That's always good, to be able to let it all out...whether others are comfortable with your methodology or not, it's all about you in the end....bump what other's have to say, we all need clarity. A free and clear mind has become a luxurious paradise! It's my safe-haven and a wonderful place to visit, especially for the long haul. But life, sometimes just throws you lemons and you've got to make it lemonade that gives you a Kool-Aid smile. If others can't relate, then give them time...they have not ventured into this course of life yet and surely, they will.

1 comment:

Don said...

But life, sometimes just throws you lemons and you've got to make it lemonade that gives you a Kool-Aid smile. Once again, I agree. There is no need for anyone to allow our trials and tribulations to become stumbling blocks, when what they are really meant to be used as are stepping stones.

Go through the fire and come out an even better person. I approach every thing this way. It works for me. Eat, drink, pray, believe in God, and live and love merry.