
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Lauren va a Paris!

If anyone knows me...I'm a "The Hills" junkie! Although I didn't plug into the series finale until much later in the broadcast, I was happy to know the answer to my week long question...Would Lauren get the chance to go to Paris, again? So when I saw her packing her bags (again, this time for International travel and not shacking up)...I was so happy!

Now of course the flair of last night's finale was centered around the Sonny and Cher modern day...Heidi and Spencer. I pretty much predicted that she'd finally come to her senses and postpone, if not break off, the wedding. I don't know why she was mad, or even surprised at Spencer's sister spilling the beans about her wedding jitters. Blood is definitely thicker than water. And their blood seams to be packed with a bunch of drama filled red blood cells. In any route, I'm almost proud of Heidi for trusting her instincts, not falling for the pitiful performance that Spencer poorly displayed, and head home to Momma!

I just can't wait to see what next season will bring....more Broady? The HILLS

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