
Friday, March 21, 2008

I Am Who You Want Me To Be?

It's inevitable that we all partake in judging everyone. Seemingly so, we tend to judge a person by their actions and stamp then with that label for as long as we know them. She's always the girl that got around with a lot of guys, and he's always the guy that had commitment issues and slept with anything walking. But then, we get older, and if you're like me, I may have done the things that you say I did, but I am not who you say I am. Basically what I'm trying to say is this...we all have a past. I'm sure in your past and mine, we can find some things that we wish we could erase and things that we are ashamed to admit or be proud of. Some things you probably can't believe you said or did, but, it happened. However, it is not apart of you. You did it years ago, maybe even months, but if you've changed, geniunely apologized, and learned from it...then why continue to subject yourself to humility because others can't seem to forget?
I had a friend. Yes, we were very close. I had my faults, yes I did...but I slowly realized after several attempts on my behalf to mend our friendship, it wasn't worth it! I recognized that she wanted to punish me and make me pay for the one "kink" in our friendship. I'm sorry, if kissing your ass is the price I have to pay, then pull your pants up. I'm not going to degrade myself or integrity because of your own hang-ups.
How long does a person continue to put you under the umbrella of a substratum of your life that is now complete a blur? If you think for one second, that you are definable based on a weak moment in your life years ago, then you are sadly mistaken. And if that person continues to remind you of it by giving you a cold shoulder or a frown, it's not your fault! He or she just simply does not want to forgive and forget. So they would rather hold onto your skeleton and turn that light on in your closet every chance they get. They are still living in the past and sadly, they want to remember you, maybe even forever, as the situation that caused the two of you to part. Not the wonderful human being you've become today. Feel sorry for them, the fact that they've missed out on your metamorphosis and the blessings that you've been afforded as each second and minute passed without them. You're more than a friendship with him or her, truthfully, you are who you say you are. Even today as I write this, I understand now, that each moment is an opportunity to change something. No we can't make anyone else happy or even appreciate the person we've become....but what we can do is let our little light glow and hopefully it will reflect more than a skeleton, it will illuminate the spirit that we were designed to shine!

1 comment:

Don said...

You did it years ago, maybe even months, but if you've changed, geniunely apologized, and learned from it...then why continue to subject yourself to humility because others can't seem to forget?

So true. It took me awhile to learn this great truth. After I began to realize the difference between my thoughts and the opinions of others, how they differ and have no real bearing, I begin to sleep much better @ night.

I forgive them, then proceed on my merry way. As you should.