
Monday, March 24, 2008


Bikram Yoga....a room heated to 115 degrees, sweat protruding from every empty outlet in your postures of Bikram Choudury, designed to strengthen and restore health to every part of the body. I heard about this new yoga trend years ago, from an ex-co-worker from my spiff in the Spa industry. She said it was addictive, and when you leave, you feel rejuvenated and ready to start a truly great day! Well, that was years ago, and a few hours ago, I swallowed that traditionalist view on exercising and walked into hell, metaphorically of course!

If hell is like this, then I'm repenting as we speak, I thought to myself as I reluctantly strolled into the room. Several other frequenters of Bikram were already situated in their ready-posture. Lying prostrate, or standing in what I think was called, pranayama. Okay, so I tried to do a little research...but nonetheless, I went in with an open-mind.

Inhaling and exhaling hot air is really challenging. You are allowed to bring your water bottle with you, but after 30 minutes of hot air...your chilled water bottle, takes on an abnormal room temperature! But the real doosy is when the workout begins, and the heartrate increases, parallel to the body's way of exhaling impurities through sweat. I promise you, we worked out parts of our body that I didn't think you could. I heard the instructor say, "this posture works out your colon." Unbelievable! Now I can take a "number two" with assurance that I'm stretched everywhere!

Bikram Yoga lasts 90 minutes! Yes ma'am (or sir), 100+ degrees and no whiff of cold air, never! There's only two (spoken) water-sipping breaks, the other sips you have to sneak-in during posture changes. However, every posture challenges not only your body, but your mind. I had to convince myself to attempt each asana, moreso than my legs and my arms. Eventually I knew that it would take time to adjust to a body that moves like a pretzel, but the mind is the key apparatus in yoga. The mind needs to be free and open to where the body can go.

Enough of the testimonial talk...although my lungs burned and I poured an embarrassing amount of sweat onto the beach towel below me, I was amazed that I made it the full 90 minutes and I never wanted to quit. I'm addicted to the feeling that overcomes your body as you walk out of the building and into real air. Will I go back? Well, the instructor says that you must revisit within 24-48 hours so that your body can be accustomed to not only the postures, but the heat exposure. Immediately after the class ended, the other frequenters gave me a round of applause for my virgin experience. Women in the locker room made me feel even more at ease with my life-changing decision. Stick with it. Be patient. Every time you come, you feel different. The women testified as we reconvened in the ladies' locker room.
Overall, it was amazing, fun, quite the energizer and I hate to sound was hot!

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