
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

PinkBerry???? Well, kiss my a...!

I'm mad. Nah, bump that...I'm feeling like a 2 year old, stumping my feet over and over again in the sofa! Throwing a serious temper tantrum...why? Head turn left...see that chica to your left. Forget that it's Natasha Bedingfield. Who cares? Okay, her dress is kinda cute. But, look at what she's holding...yes, it's a cell phone. But it's more than that!

The PINK BlackBerry seems my favorite cellular phone manufacturer is dancing circles around my wireless provider. Coming out with all the latest designs, that are sleek and super techno-sexy! I'm holding on to my little 7130, hoping and praying for the hottest addition to the Sprint family. Thinking, as other's hold and wave their sleek gadgets into other's noses, I won't envy, because I'm sure that Blackberry's secretly concocting the magic potion just for us Sprint die-hards! NOTT!!!!! I'm seriously thinking of breaking that 2-year agreement and jumping on the BlackBerry bandwagon elsewhere. But I'm giving them another year. After that, was good knowing you all these years. You were my first, but, I gotta go PINK!


If you know me, you will know that my writing did not begin at Blogger. I've been writing since I was in the fifth grade...won a couple of awards. Wrote a couple of unpublished, handwritten novels throughout grammar and middle school. I thought I was Judy Blume back in the day. But then MySpace came around and allowed me to showcase an updated version of my expressive heart. Here are a few blogs that I originally posted on my Crackspace page...Check it out!

COMMENTARY: I wrote this when I was down in the dumps. I was depressed, not even gonna lie or try to sugar coat it. When my feelings are real raw, especially when I'm stressed, I write honestly and I best! Words are therapy and try to use them to medicate my state of mind...

Title: TODAY, November 18, 2006
Some of you wanted to read some of the things I've written privately and some of the things I've spoken publicly....Either way, I don't mind sharing.
Here's something entitled:
A Day in My Life

I am inspired. TODAY.
When I awakened today, I looked outside and made sure my car was where I parked it last night.
That was a sign…that today already, was going to be a good day. I smiled.
Looked over at my younger version…she's five…her eyes still closed and her mind still dreaming. I put my finger to her nose and felt the soft wind. I smiled. Another sign that today, is going to be a good day.
Walked to my bathroom, turned on the lights. They're working. A great day indeed.
Felt a cramp in my stomach, pulled down my panties…She's here, a sigh of relief,
I grinned. Thank You God! What a fabulous day!
Sat down on my toilet, pulled a magazine from a stack, as my body readied itself to release some garbage that it didn't need. Whew! What a day this will be…I already feel free!
Took a long, body touching shower…gave myself a thorough examination…no bumps, no lumps…a good day.
Combed my hair down, framed my face…smiled…blew a kiss at me… no man is here to…but, it's still a good day for me.
Put on my favorite jeans, jiggled my booty to get it to my waist…sucked in my tummy…there…that's it…now, I can breathe.
Today is a day for me.
Poured some juice in a glass and grabbed a handful of grapes. Sat near my bay window and ate.
There goes the garbage truck and there goes the paperboy. Stranger after stranger walks down my street and none of them notice me.
And as I watch, I remember the days that weren't so great.
The car was gone, the lights were off, the abortion was done, the period was missed, the stomach was protruding undesirably, the lump was there, a man hell-sent was in my bed, the jeans made it no further than my calves, and the food…there was none there.

So this day….days like this….will always be… to me…a blessing.

COMMENTARY: Well, well, well! I wrote the following blog after discovering that the guy that I'd been dealing with, at that particular moment, was full of you-know-what! He was such a chamelion. Now looking back...Thank God I didn't end up with that one! (Whew!)

TITLE: Scrabble, November 6, 2006
It's official...picking a man is like playing SCRABBLE...sometimes you get good letters, something to work know? And then other times, you get some shitty ass letters that you don't know how in the hell you picked that sh**! Either way, no matter if you kill 'em with a TRIPLE WORD SCORE and you feel like this could be a can still lose the m****f***ing game!
Seems like nowadays everyone's into playing...maybe I'm too old, because the last time I played... was in junior high school...shooting forward for the Panthers! Don't have time to play games and play around...or even upgrade...sorry B' I can't sing along to that one!

COMMENTARY: I have a daughter and on her fifth birthday, I decided to reflect on our time spent together. She means so much to me and like any parent, she's the best daughter one could ask for!
TITLE: MILittleANgel, June 29, 2006
Five-365-days-around-the-sun ago...this angel, this 22 inches of joy and attention seeking wonder came into my life at approximately 12:21pm. I remember seeing her for the first time and being lost for words when our eyes finally met. I'd already known her for nine months...knew her sleep patterns, how uncomfortable she would get when I would lay on my back. I knew that she loved Jill Scott and laughed internally when I playfully shook my stomach. And she had an addiction to Italian food.
I felt her movements and the agony of long legs stretching, searching for comfort within her confined temporary home. But through the emotional rollercoasters, the discomfort, the shortness of breath at times when I'd finally engaged with Mr. Sandman...I loved her first and couldn't wait to know her face to face. It was worth it and I'd do it all over again. Without him, without the support of others, and who could forget the looks and whispers I received in college, "Is she crazy!"...I wouldn't change a thing!
Now, many moons later...she's walking, talking, crying, laughing and simply existing as a child. No cares, no worries (well, she just has to have her personal pan cheese pizza from Pizza Hut)...but other than that, she is such a blessing. She's quiet and then she's loud, she's loving and then she's mean as dirt! A true Cancer! I love her, unconditionally, like every mother should love their child. She's my first love, that has always been reciprocated, without a doubt, unbeknowest to is the best love one could ever experience. It is truly defined before you meet.
I love her and everyday I exist....she is in the forefront of my agenda....she is forever on my mind and apart of every plan for my LIFE. This little girl...turned me into a woman...I rediscovered my "true" self and humbly walked into motherhood. I've felt blindfolded at moments, but I know that LOVE surpasses all faults, idiosyncracies and imperfections. It's the times when she writes all over the walls, I chastise, I discipline, we magic erase the walls and then a few moments later....right back... to LOVE.
Happy Birthday Milan! LOVE you!
Your first teacher,

Monday, January 28, 2008


"Marathon...a marathon. Your love making's like a marathon." (Click on link, and click #11, Marathon feat. Floetry)

DAMMMMMNNNNNNNN! When I first heard this song, I'm not even gonna lie, I needed a towel! "There's no need for batteries, once you've turned on your light..." GOSH! Shoulders hunched and a deep frown on my face, I'm in deep thought. Reminiscing about the last time I suited up for the long run with my significant other. Thinking about it being the equivalent of a marathon, "on and on". Hmmmmm....Wow. Yeah, that was nice. And yeah, when he did that. And I said...oh yeah (nodding my head).
Great metaphor Raheem DeVaughn! No 50 yard dash over here! A cross country-keep going until your body gives out....your chest rises and fall, your lungs swell and your body weakens. The end is near, but you're giving it your all so that the both of you can make it there together. We're on the same team, I remind myself! Don't be selfish!
Finally, the finish line tape rips across my chest. I get goose bumps. I fall into a trance and we look at each other, still panting...but our breathing slows down, and we smile as contenders at the same race. The excitement subdues into a calm and peaceful rest. I think I got there before he did! Which is good, isn't it ladies? : )

Can't Live With Them or Without Them?

Today I awoke with an all too familiar feeling. My tonsils felt like icicles had formed at their tip and had inflated to the size of mini-balls. I know that was a very crass example, but you get the picture right? Then the sinuses, if anybody can relate to the pressure at the bridge of your nose, the constant mucus leak that drips on the most inopportune moments, always seems to accompany my swollen tonsils.

So...what's the diagnosis or the predator that holds my sinuses and tonsils hostage? Well, it could be that new perfumed lotion and spray set my Mom just purchased from Sephora. It has a beautiful almond scent, but I think it's too airy and has gotten down into my respiratory system...hence, an allergic reaction! I'm very sensitive to smells. I have to practically beg my kids not to wear cheap-dollar-tree parfums. For some reason they think a spray of Wild Musk can form a barrier around funky underarms! NOT! Then there's this new Febreze air freshener plug-in I just purchased. While it can attack the killer scents of after recess & P.E., you know...lack of bath and shower, little girls not fully understanding the necessity of cleaning the feminine parts when they sweat, and just pure genetic funk, it's having a ball on my respiratory system. But I'm making myself suffer, because to smell the displeasing offensive odor of some kids is like living at the landfill & paper mill, all-in-one!

I know what it is....a sinus infection! And there's really nothing I can do but either get an antibiotic, which I would opt not to do since too many antibiotics will make your immune system build up a resistance. I could go and purchase some over-the-counter sinus medication, but damn, the good stuff is like paying for the real-deal from your doctor! The best thing for me to do is either...opt for a tonsillectomy, which is really what's bothering me at the moment! I can't even swallow my food without wanting to gag! Or, take the damn air fresheners and my mother's perfume and throw it in the nearest dumpster.

Somebody....please help!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Other Black President...

On the eve of the potential black president, Barack Obama, I'm crossing my fingers, my heart, and any other body part that could in some kind of superstitious way give Mr. Obama a boost into the White House. I'm not gonna lie, I'm terrified. Not for a black president, but for the Obama victory entourage en route to the White House. I know I'm not the only one wondering if there will be sharp shooter Klansmen on rooftops overlooking the White House that would put Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray to shame!

But hence the anxiety that comes with this election for all races, creeds, and sexes, I'm thankful that we do have one president that was as close to a Black president as it gets. If it hadn't been for John F. Kennedy introducing the bill to Congress that forever changed the scope of our nation, Barack nor Hillary, for that matter, would be standing at the platforms that they proudly speak on today. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was introduced to Congress by John F. Kennedy. After his assassination it was passed and signed by Lyndon B. Johnson. Everyone wants to give credit to both, but I say, JFK died for it, so he gets full credentials.

Barack Obama is a great candidate. He's very articulate and represents the future of a new generation of voters that believe in change and diversity. The Clinton camp has kind of pissed me off. Take that back! I'm still down with Bill, but Hillary has this "diva" attitude that withdrew her ballot from me. Also she's using, Bob Johnson, founder of BET, as the token black spokesmen for the African American vote. Isn't that the Uncle Tom calling the Blackface white! I know that seemed sort of harsh, but it put a horrible taste in my mouth when I heard Bob Johnson attack Barack Obama's character and his alleged cocaine habit during his college years, which was a desperate attempt to discredit his future residency at the White House. I guess Mr. Johnson doesn't even want to see Barack Obama walk around in the "big" house!

So, if Obama doesn't get it, can say, Kennedy already filled the seat, just a lighter skinned version. He vindicated the African Americans of yesterday and today, from the chains of our past. John F. Kennedy will always be my black president. Election 1961, was definitely the election that mattered!

Water Connoisseur

Wouldn't you know, a decade ago the bottled water propaganda paid off and became the new accessory! Who would believe the hype of bottling free water back in the 70s, would become a million dollar industry today? When I was younger, bottled water was an unnecessary luxury. Now, I'm Miss Water Works...carrying the latest H20 in my handbag! I even have a Sam Club's supply in the trunk of my car! So what are my favorites...

VOSS = Luxury water. The sleek design is enough to make me WET! My lips that is! It's real smooth going down and looks ever-so-sexy when you're putting it to your lips. If you're trying to go sober at the club, ask for a bottle of this...people will think VOSS is a new Vodka!

Fiji water was my first Artesian-brand water bottle. It tastes good, especially when it's chilled, quite refreshing and thirst-quenching. I was first introduced to Fiji water when I'd sit in Barnes & Noble's cafe reading, along with the rest of the bookworms, and nibbling from the Cheesecake Factory kiosk. A fashion magazine, a slice of cheesecake, and Fiji water would be this urban fashionista's creme de la creme!

A news station had the nerve to report that Aquafina does not come from a spring! Well, news-flash, Aquafina is purified water! Not spring water! That goes to show that not everything the news chooses to report is the actual truth. If I were not a fan of Aquafina I may have gasped. But as a Aquafina toting sista, I'm offended at the media's lack of research. It is clearly printed "purified water". Nonetheless, the media hype didn't thwart my pocketbook to purchase Deer Park, which I don't really care for by the way. I'm an Aqua-feen for life!

I'm not a Vitamin Water groupie. It's okay. But it's a great idea for those of us who do better with drinking vitamins, as opposed to taking vitamin pills. I like the variety of flavors, but more importantly, 50 cent is part owner. Contrary to popular belief, he didn't invent it, Glaceau did. He just put up the money and took part ownership in the company that Coca-Cola recently bought for a cool $4.1 billion. Now, isn't that something to think about! 50 cent is definitely worth more than 2 quarters!

Friday, January 25, 2008

"FRIENDS...How many of us have them?"

There's an old adage that says..."Friends are God's way of apologizing for our family." Well that adage has manifested itself into a truth in my life. My friends are more than associates, colleagues, and companions...they're in a category somewhere between sister and gang member. I don't know if that makes any since, but the depth of our bond is undefinable. Now, I don't know if I can say we could give Cleo, Frankie, Stony & TT a run for their money. Nah...we don't have the "Set It Off" type of relationship. But we do have this supportive love that builds a wall or breaks down one if either one of us in a crisis.

I am a person that had to do a lot of growing in my relationships with women. I grew up in an area that didn't really honor the "sisterhood" and as I entered college I learned that my ignorances about women were purely myths and untrue. So...after several years, and yes, I've lost a few to the game of experience, I can say that all of my friends are truly as genuine and real as it gets. Our unconditional love for one another, in the midst of our own hang-ups and idiosyncracies, is insurmountable and ever-lasting. We're a bunch of real life Bratz dolls, minus the collagen lips and 20-inch weaves. We're connected, multi-talented, and resourceful to one another. We own homes, we're wonderful mothers, we have amazing talents, we're social butterflies, and we've got a "passion for fashion"! Nonetheless, in the words of Lil' Kim, "this ain't no lesbo flow" girls...all of us, undeniably, love us some good old XY chromosomes! But when he's moved on, or he's slacking in the love department, or if he's just being a complete a$$hole...we know how to step in, hold a hand, or shake the sugar-honey-ice-tea out of one another!

This blog is my salute to all "girlfriends"...within the four corners of this eco-challenged Earth. You are wonderful and amazing beings. Sometimes the world has a way of disrespecting and dishonoring our plight in this world. But I want you to know, that regardless of the day, the hour or the minute, we are a powerful force and without each other, we would not be half the woman we are today!


Wednesday, January 23, 2008


My parents got caught up in the timeshare hype years ago and have now hit the silver years and have closed the chapter on the world being a playground. They would love to sell their timeshares in beautiful Virginia Beach, VA.

If you know of anyone that may be interested...pass on the word and forward them the following contact email:

Thanks Hello Nobodies!

Own a timeshare in beautiful Virginia Beach, Virginia!

You can choose to stay in Virginia Beach, or trade out for beautiful summers or winter getaways in a place you’ve only dreamed of visiting. Make a timeshare your home away from home now in luxury, 5-star resort hotels & villas.


Each Timeshare is a 1½ UNIT that SLEEPS 7 PEOPLE

FULL KITCHEN - Microwave, Dishwasher, Refrigerator
FAMILY ROOM - Sofa Bed with Corner Sofa, Flat Panel 36” TV


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Periodically Correct!

Put your money where your monthly is! That sounds crazy, but true. Men don't even have to bother with the extra money that's stamped into our monthly budget. The "other" or "miscellaneous" cost that takes us down the infamous back aisle. But just tell me one thing...why are we next to the condoms and pregnancy tests? SIDETALK: Okay...take that back. The condoms I can dig. But the pregnancy test? Unless it's a planned one, can you imagine how one feels when they're searching for that life changing & dreadful $13.99 box and they look over at you raving about the wipes that come with the Always pads. Oh the horror! (Thinking) You're perusing through the aisle, like a McDonald's menu, and I'm over here sweating bullets and hoping it's just stress that's causing the delay. Then there's the undenying feeling of judgment from those looking as you put the pregnancy test under a frozen pizza. I'd grab a box of pads anyway. It's not for me, it's for my best friend. Your psyche teleports to there's!

Anyway, I can sure get off topic. What's with the pad family these days? Or, some may be fans of the old stick and plug tampons. I just can't get with the feeling yet. I've tried, but dag...for some reason I don't breathe the same. So, in the case of pads I can speak rather intelligently about the extra-cushioned seating. I'm so tired of pads not really being manufactured for the big-booty-type! I'm a big fan of Always, but not always do I buy them. Kotex had this very effective "Body Fit" brand that had a velcro closing on the wings, and was shaped to the design of your "down under". Unlike the competitive Always brand that sticks and we know sometimes that stick will lose its juice & those wings will flap a little too far upward. The next you know we're hiding in corners trying to tug and pull the wedgies out! Unfortunately, my local Wal-Mart stopped carrying my favorite Kotex BodyFit brand and I hopped right back on the Always bandwagon. Nowadays I opt for the Always clean. Each pad comes with an individually wrapped wipe. It's alcohol free and has this very clean scent. I'm so paranoid about having that undesirable odor doing that "time" and this little added pad accessory has been quite the Mr. Clean! : )
So ladies...I've come up with an alternative to pads. What if there were disposable underwears with pads built into the seat. That way, if you're heavy this time know what're not faced with the infamous...."Dag...I just bought a new pack of cotton panties!" All you have to do is toss them in File 13! What do you think? I'd call them Forevers. We could even make 'em know decorate them the way they do paper towels?!!!! And kids' pampers?!
I know I'm on to something. Don't take my idea! If I catch anybody, or rather, if I see a pair of discarded Forevers with Ugly Betty decals on them....I'm coming for ya!

Monday, January 21, 2008


Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump's daughter.

People like this come with a side of envy. I mean you can't help but say "Damn!....why didn't I get picked to be born into a family that's that rich!" Think about it, to no effort of her own, Ivanka was born into a legacy of wealth, status, and luxury. Not only that, she looks like beauty in milk-ivory skin. You would only hope to learn that she's a druggie, a black sheep, a diva or a b*tch...but, fortunately, she's none of those things. She's a very humble girl, and she appreciates everything that she has. I watched her on a recent Oprah interview and she spoke with an age-old wisdom that you normally don't find in her age group. She reported how her father made her work for everything and always reminded her that their silver spoon was paid for with his own hardwork and business ethic! She had to work just as hard to get her own silver spoon. Well let's just say now, she's buying platinum flatware.
She used to model and gave up the runway for the office with the city view. She's the Vice President of Real Estate Development at the Trump Organization, launching her own fine jewelry line, and owns property in NYC, Vegas & Miami. I'm inspired by her desire to make a name for herself. She's privileged, but at least she knows it. She even used the word "blessed" during the interview. Typical of our popular society, she's constantly compared to Paris Hilton...but here's what she had to say about that:
"I think we are totally different individuals," Trump said. "If I were to go off the rails and become this party kid, I would not be able to afford my lifestyle. I've never had a sense of entitlement. I saw how hard my father worked for his money and it was always made very clear to me that things wouldn't just be given to me."
High-Five Ivanka! (can you slip me a few c-note$ though?)

Thinking about LEAVING this place...

I'm thinking of moving to Europe. London is my first family has no idea and would cringe at the thought of me relocating across the big river, with my six year old brat in tow...but hey, (singing like Cyndi Lauper) "Girls just want to have fun!".

Italy is up next. Which city? Well, why not pick the one I named my daughter after...Milan. But then I hear it's not too spiffy on the eyes. Very trashy and unkept. That sounds like a few cities I frequent often in the states...: ) Then Rome comes to mind, and Venice. Florence and that Tuscany appeal....I'd surely turn into a Wino! Of course, with moving to Italy, I'd have to brush up on my Italiano. Buon giorno. Mi chiamo...Dove il luogo di pizza è? LOL! That would be my daughter's favorite question to ask!

I'd love to live in Paris. But then, once again I'd have to take French. I took that in high school and only remember the typical basic phrases and to curse someone out and ask for oral sex. Don't ask me how I found the latter out?
I also heard that Ireland is kinda dope, too. Maybe Dublin would be my city of choice. I guess if I don't like beer now, I'll have to love it there!

Why do I want to live abroad? Because I love diversity and I love to travel. That's the one thing that my family engrafted into my lifestyle as a child. Now as an adult, I want to take it beyond the red-white-and-blue, and into another part of the world that's another definition of beautiful and exciting.


Thanks Miss Yummy411 for the great task for today!!!! Immediately when I referenced your blog and saw what I was tagged for, I started thinking..."Which purse? I carry a different one everyday!"
So here latest tote...if I must shot it out for the sake of future was purchased at UrbanOutfitters!
Notice its sidekick....GO Redskins! (That was so pathetic, I know!)

PURSE dumped...EMBARRASSING! I think my first word was "ouch!" Nonetheless, my visual merchandising skills wouldn't allow me to take a pic as is! Oh no! I had to do my product placement thing and make this junk look like a masterpiece! So here goes...How does it all fit inside, you ask? Hey, that bag could carry a newborn...fresh out the womb to the nursery. (That was a sick metaphor, but you get the point!)
Now...I'm not much of the makeup junkie.....not like you Yummy...but in one of my many past jobs...I was the retail manager and makeup artist. So, I have just one more skill to add to the belt. However, I'm what you may call that down-low makeup whore. You know the one that's quiet about their side hustle, you never see her walking the streets in the Meat Packing district, but you heard that she was worth the $50 BJ! (HEY, it's a recession...I would give cheaper rates to accommodate! LOL!)

Always, always, to the Blackberry (that's always on my hip)...I have to have my MAC SPF Lip conditioner. I love the winter, but my beautiful lips can't stand to be dry. (Little tub with black top next to my daughter's Memory Card). I have no idea how one of Dora the Explorer's Memory Cards ended up in my purse. The purple earring I can't seem to let go because I'm hoping to one day finally come across its matching friend. :( The typical comb/pick. Remote control to my iPod docking station...okay why is that inside my purse? Juicy perfume my "arm candy" surprised me with. Smells delicious! Glove Me Tender, the best hand lotion in the Bath & Body franchise! If your hands are still ashy after applying this stuff, you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist. Some dope glasses I bought in UO. Two of my favorite lip appliques from, C-Thru and the other from the 3D Glass edition in Energy, love it! The latest Vogue, yes I do carry it with me everywhere I go. Contrary to popular belief, they have great writers and I love a good read! My Hello Kitty wallet. Yes, I have the Hello Kitty checks to match! Notice the pink & green mascara chilling out among the pile. Celebrities swear by it, so I thought I'd always keep it handy! An IKEA pencil...I'm moving, so that's been my favorite hangout spot lately. iPod Classic. You already read about this one. Now here, my Sharpie & marker obsession reigns true to the artist in me. These are the one's I hide from my father. A ring, I really love....of course this pic doesn't give it justice, but it's got this imitation Citrine (I wish I had the real deal!) Lastly, a jaw-dropping $1.15, damn! Now you see how underpaid teachers are! And one pink jumbo paper clip. Not to mention some dust mites that I neglected to shot out....but that's the contents of my shoulder bag!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

February 3, 2008 ~ Phoenix, Arizona

Are you ready for some football?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

InSide Style

How many times have you walked into your favorite super~mega convenience store looking for something to jazz up the place? Unlike clothing, finding great roomwear is a sporadic find, and normally, it's something that just pops up one day while you're out and about looking for a great pair of shoes. There are a few places that have great roomwear, but sometimes you want a room outfit that's surely hard to find, or shows off your interior design talents. IKEA, Target (Tarjeh), West Elm, Crate and Barrel, Pier 1 Imports, Linens & Things, Marlo Furniture....just to name a few are great places to find a diversity of items that will give your room a unique personality. But there are lots of great online markets that can give you the same sure-shot that these store giants can give.

cB2 (a spin off of Crate & Barrel) Only 2 stores in Chicago. A third location just popped up in SoHo (451 Broadway, between Canal & Grand) and a fourth location scheduled to open this summer in SanFran. I love this place. It's definitely the pop-of-color & pop culture mecca. Check out these fabulous finds for a space that gives life to anything that walks in.

Blackjack Sectional $1,596

Briar Loveseat $899

Save, Love pillows $24.95 each

Poetry Rug $299

WARHOL: Lip melamine appetizer plate, $1.95
Marilyn plate, $3.95

EQ3, another rare store find. Luckily I live in one of the states that's fortunate to have one. If you're looking for that contemporary, modern, sleek appeal then this place will feel like furniture heaven. And, you won't feel like a pauper with the prince's taste! It's affordable!

Ellis Sofa, $699

Bobo Loveseat, $749

Dune (Queen) Bed, $699

Silhouette Clock, $10 & Solo Chair $499

Laidback. Thanks to Tom over at MySpace...his famed invention has connected me to some definitely stylish sistas in the design world. One sista from the Boogie-Down is laying it down in a living room near you. Giving couch potatos some much needed style, she has vamped a stylish line of throw pillows with silhouettes & graphics of popular culture.

Here's a slideshow of other great finds I've discovered while perusing the WWW...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Macy's & The CW

Just when you thought you'd seen every kind of B2B partnership, Macy's decides to mix a little shop with our deep down desire to be on the tube. Yes, actors & actresses, the CW will be holding casting calls in select Macy's department stores. A random shopper could turn into a One Tree Hill cast member and overnight celebrity!

Click on the banner above to find out if your Macy's will be one of the audition spots...
Good luck and oh yeah, break a leg!

Fashion is not a Luxury!

Just when I thought the fashionista was done…The Sex and the City credits rolled 2 years ago and I thought Carrie had been buried beneath a pile of Manolo's. Of course, there are the talks of the S&TC movie, which I'm camping out to see! But I was to seeing Sarah Jessica as a fashion muse each Sunday night. After the series, she's made her appearances, did the celebrity perfume thing, but it just didn't seem to fit the size 0 writer, curly haired fashionista on the Upper East side! Then came the episode of Project Runway, a challenge where she reveals the foreseeable thought I've pondered on since her Carrie days….Sarah Jessica has a fashion line! And no it’s not a reflection of the closet that Carrie may have had…Robert Cavalli, Manolo Blahniks, Prada, Gucci, Chanel and the likes situated in her quaint apartment. BITTEN is as affordable as Faded Glory! A pair of jeans, $15…and that’s not the regular indigo denim! A twill trench or a houndstooth coat, $20!!! Move over H&M and Forever 21-like chain stores.This line is only available at Steve & Barry’s, a retail chain catered to changing the way we shop…quality fashion, at affordable prices. My pocket book smiles and so do the empty hangers in my closet. Sarah Jessica’s manifesto…It is every woman’s inalienable right to have a pulled-together stylish, confident wardrobe with money left over to live. GET BITTEN. Well said Sarah J., well said.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Retired Jersey

You know I've pondered on writing about the dynamics of my personal relationship with a promising young lad that shall remain anonymous. It's like no other relationship I've ever encountered or even heard of. But instead of going on and on about this amazing man with an intriguing mind and fun sense of humor, I'll take the low road and speak to those who haven't found a light of fire since a Danielle Steel novel!

I every woman you know, portrayed in a Lifetime movie, or featured in a women's magazine...been dogged out, played out, & taken for granted! But, unlike most women, I've never given up on love. Call me Charlotte! Yeah, I've learned vital lessons, and tucked these new experiences under my belt. But I'll be damned if I'll let those tough times turn me into a jaded & bitter soul. I refuse to sell my soul for a few heartbreaks and broken headboards, so that I can feel like the predator this time, instead of the prey.

Trust me ladies (and gentlemen, if you're out there), if there's anybody who should be the Lil' Kim anthem, it's me! I should be doing unto them, as they did unto me. But I don't have the time to allow my past to have that much control in my future. I've turned over a new leaf with life experiences, and I've slowly realized that the tougher the experience, the wiser you are when you rise above it. The sense of accomplishment after the struggle, overwhelms that pitiful feeling of defeat you once had.

Today, there's this new "arm" candy. He's scrumptuous and delicious in every sense of the word. I look forward to our conversations as well as our inter-actions! : ) He's a great guy and I don't know if I could have said that a couple of years ago about my "then" boo. Maybe. But I know, deep down, I wouldn't have meant it. Secretly, I would have worried and complained about the ill-treatment...But "then" had to happen in order for me to be here and appreciative of "our" moments.

Relationship talk, nowadays, is so taboo. If it doesn't involve dogging the opposite sex, it sounds as though you're speaking a foreign lanugage to those listening. For instance, if I had said, "I'll drink his bath water." My girls may say, "awwww." And then behind my backs, "girl he's gonna dawg the sh*t out of her. Men ain't sh*t!" LOL! It's all good though. I understand and I can even relate to wearing the hopeless romantic jersey. We've all been there and I'm just hoping, with my fingers crossed & my eyes above, that I won't be rocking the "45" no time soon.

Hmmmmm...what's wrong?

Do you ever find yourself in a period of unproductivity? When you feel like you're not on top of things like you should? Deadlines pass, the to do-list is never done, and your daily routine turns into a unconscious, unmemorable regime. You trek through your day as if, someone pulled a string connected to your brain and watched you hop, flip and skip around mentally paralyzed.

Lately, that's how I've been feeling. I feel a disconnect within, but I'm not sure where the screws are loose. Is it my job, love life, family life, or is it just one of those things about "me". Damn, just when you thought all you had to was put on a "happy face" and everyday would be a great day!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Last Supper

I'm an emotional eater. There....I said it! I eat because my feelings tell me to eat. My stomach has expanded beyond normal capacity & has become a couch potato within the cave of my belly. I think it all started a few years back. A previous bad relationship, a health scare, a few disappointments & heartbreaks later, I'm 20 lbs. over the weight that accentuated the curves & an "all-naturale" apple bottom that made men drool. Clothes looked great on, they wear me. They hide the flab and the stretched skin that disappoints me every time I undress. NO, I'm not a "Biggest Loser" candidate, but I'm not the Winner either!

Don't knock me for being honest. I think this is the first step that we should all take when dieting. We should admit to ourselves and be honest about how we came to this state of eating for a sport. Trying day after day to break our own world-records. I remember once upon a time ago, I rarely thought about eating. It was something that happened a couple of times a day unnoticed. If I missed a meal, I wasn't sweating from my brows and biting my fingernails. Now, I need to miss a meal! But then I discover, "You have to eat." "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" Huh? Back in undergrad, breakfast was a luxury. And if it was consumed, it was probably a few M & Ms on the way to class or a bowl of Oodles & Noodles at lunch time!

I'm not mad at food for getting me through some tough moments. There were times when I was super-depressed and I'd see a buttered roll, a juicy hamburger, Mickey D's fries hot & fresh out the grease with just the right amount of salt, a large Papa John's pizza, a bowl of never-ending pasta and chicken-alfredo, a yellow cake with that sweet, chocolate icing, IHOP pancakes and bacon, an ice cream sundae, my mother's famed sausage, bacon, egg & cheese casserole...When I bit into whatever the FDA would certainly not approve, all of my problems went away for the course of the meal. Epiphany: something that I felt at the moment took me away from my problem, created another problem that has caused me more emotional stress & physical handicap.

A couple of days ago, I took the first step. Instead of spending money on one of those places that watch the weight bounce around, I took advantage of my Rolodex and called upon a friend. He's a personal trainer whose clientele ranges from celebrity to regular folks. After a few of his finger-pointing lectures and challenging my thought pattern concerning weight loss, I'm convinced that I can no longer allow food to shame my body. I slowly realized that food is a fuel that our body needs for energy. When we consume too much food, our body stores all of that unnecessary food and it turns into fat. If we're not working out, that food storage is turning into an over-crowded fat house and the next thing you know, we're sending an APB out on our waist line! Food is only an energy source, not an emotional therapist. As we start to create new weight loss goals, we should diet and establish a workout regime. I'm still learning how to feel happy about going to the gym!
The other night, I had my farewell dinner. I said goodbye, for now, to many foods that tricked me into thinking that they were there to make me feel better. (Even food can be playa'.) I've replaced those foods with ones that are not too lively on the taste buds, but have impressed the waist line. I'm seeing a difference as we speak, and I'm hoping that by the summer time....there will be a new & improved 2008 dime! : )

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Birthday & the City

This weekend, accompanied by college friends (I call them sistas), I celebrated my twenty-(cough!)birthday. Now, let me tell you this...I'm not the normal party go-er. I'm a single parent, a grad student, and a teacher. So you can guess my days are pretty entertaining, with a long to-do list. However, I've learned to cherish any "me" time that I can attain. And lately my "me" time has become a quick daydream & time spent on this computer. So whenever I can squeeze a good party in, even if it's only on special occasions, I'm down and I'm not too picky as long as the venue is more exciting than the four walls of my room.

This weekend, me along with my three friends, headed into Baltimore city like we were the famed characters of Sex & the City. Of course, we were all tired, working women...but the not the kind that comes with a pimp. We work hard, Monday - Friday and then on Saturday, we crash into relaxation exile. So, for us to go out and have some fun without yawning, we had to down a few Red Bulls and shots of Patron! We decided to call a cab since we all wanted to participate in the celebrating of my birthday. We called one of those "yellow cabs" and waited as one of my compadres asked a million and one "How do I look?" questions about her outfit for the evening. I had intended on wearing a dress that exposed my lovely bosom, but then I decided not to. I didn't really feel like getting the "DAMMMMNNN!" look all night and I wanted to be low-key, comfy and feeling "nice". Also, I've learned that in an inebriated state, I need to be as fully-clothed as possible! After we gave my friend the final "thumbs up" and we began to feel the sensations of Tequila, we hear the "beep-beep" of our driver for the night. : )

1st stop ~ Pazo Restaurant. Now prior to arriving, we'd been given a review from a fellow B-More Socialite who gave it the it's-the-place-you're-looking-for review. Surprisingly, when I walked in, I forgot that I was in the city that outsiders call Bodymore, Murderland. Pazo's is really nice! I began to feel like I was Carrie, and Samantha, Miranda & Charlotte were right by my side. The interior of Pazo is very loungy~low lighting, airy spaces, loft style balcony overlooking a dance floor, sideswiped with large boothes and couches. Although the place was definitely my "sober" scene, at this point we were "feeling" the shots of Patron and couldn't afford to lose our buzz to a cozy atmosphere. So we hailed another cab and headed to the 2nd stop...

Power Plant Live ~ An outdoor bar/lounge/club drive-by. We ditched going to a few places. I guess the mood didn't strike us as we walked inside. And, I'm not going to tell you where we ended up dining, but let me just say we had an exclusive "late night" menu! : ) We ended up in Baha's and laughed at a mixed crowd that was nothing like the one at Pazo's. But we made the best of it and got a few more shots and danced like we were at a Union Jam at our alma mater, HamptonU! After watching a couple apparently intoxicated and not bashful about their lust for one another, we grabbed our coats out of coat check.....And we're off to the 3rd and final location...

Fell's Point ~ At this "point", I'm intoxicated. Fully. And not really sure what the name of the bar was that the cab dropped us off in front of, but I do know there was a helluva argument in suit as we approached the door. Rain begins to fall and the guy at the door says, "twenty dollars". We all look at each other and laugh! It's damn near time for most places to close. "You've got to be kidding me." We say simultaneously. But then the argument outside escalates from profane words to kicks and blows that drives the guy away from the door. As I'm being nosey and cheering on the Mayweather & Hatton fight outside, my girls high-tail it into the club for free! I turn around, laughing and drunk, running behind them as we take cover in a corner hiding from Big Lou the bouncer! We didn't get caught, or kicked out. But the guy at the door sure didn't forget our face as we exited the club. "Next time it's twenty dollars. I never forget a face." He smiled. Thank God. We laughed at our failed attempt to be discreet.

Back into the rain and the "let out" tailgate. A very comical young guy goes around and does what he calls a "track check". In our drunken state, we gladly let him check our roots for any sign of weave or track glue. I passed! He was kind of cute, too. But I wasn't there for hooking up with anyone, I just wanted to have a good time. We finally found a "driver", a guy from India, our most pleasant driver of the night. (Our other "drivers" were asinine and complete assholes.) We talked about political unrest in Pakistan and his native city Bombay. "Hey isn't that the furniture place," one of my friends said. We all laughed and watched the city slowly disappear into the background as we approached our exit home. My head pressed against the plastic cushioned head rest, I began to think about some of my previous birthdays. Some of them were compromised by depression, the financial setback of Christmas, or an overwhelming feeling of loneliness. But this birthday was a-okay! I had a great time, just feeling young again and taking advantage of the opportunity to have a good time. My friends are darling. We're not perfect, but we're there for each other. And we damn sure know how to make a party anywhere!


Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Born Supremacy

Today's my birthday! Yes, today I turned twenty-(cough) years old. Sorry, I got a frog in my throat. But I'm so thankful to have made it to see another year. Yes just one score and nine years ago, my parents were happy to see the bundle of joy that would be the thorn in their butt for a lifetime. I weighed a jaw-dropping 9lbs and 11 oz & 23 inches long. (That was a lot during that time.) My mom was relieved to finally drop me from her wound, because I had turned that placenta into a recreation room. To this day she has discomfort in her rib from my elongated limbs.

Nonetheless, I'm here today because I've been fortunate enough to be blessed and favored by God. There have been plenty of moments when my life could have been compromised and death could have had his way with me. But through powers, unbeknowst to myself, I was given another chance. I'm so thankful for all that life has taught me to this point and I'm looking forward to the many other lessons it has in store for me.

When I was younger, I thought life was just a good time and that if you lived your life in excitement and ran away from problems that they would never catch up to you. Well, the great old twenty-somethings teach you that that ideology is purely what it is...ideal. In reality, life will do whatever it wants. It's like getting on a roller coaster blindfolded. You don't know what to expect. Sometimes it feels great, exhilarating, thankful that you chose to ride. While there are other times where you are thrown here and there and you're hoping to God that you can make it to the end alive. As I have learned there are some things about life that are enjoyable and there are other moments that are not. But the great thing about it is the fact that in the end, or even midway through the ride, you get used to the unexpected and you become a bit wiser. You grip the sidebars when you hit the peak, you hold your breath if you have to, you use reverse psychology...whatever it takes, wisdom is adaptive and designed through struggle and the will to hold on tight.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to my beloved parents. Who are still here breathing and getting older. They've taught me so much about life, intentionally and unintentionally. But today I'm saying to me that I love you and when you were born, who would've thought you would have made it this far!


Thursday, January 3, 2008


"It be calling me man," in the words of our beloved Pookie on New Jack City, that's exactly how I feel when I walk amongst hair care retail. I love hair! Well, let me take that back. I love "healthy" hair! And if you know me, you know that I'm a hair product junkie! I'm the daughter of a 2nd generation cosmetologist and I'm also a beauty school dropout! (The artist in me just wanted to learn how to color and cut, all that other stuff was just boring. I actually dreamed of becoming a much sought after colorist and weave specialist!) Believe me, I'm not missing those modulars and mannequin heads with unrealistic hair. But I was always somewhat of a self-proclaimed hair chemist in beauty school. I'd always concoct my own hair treatments. I'd mix a little with this and a little with that and...Walla! I've got silky hair and unbelievable bounce. My mother always told me that a good hairstylist can make your hair look good, but can also take care of your hair. It's one thing to go to a dynamic hairstylist, but if every time you visit, you notice more of your hair in the bowl and the styling comb, you should without hesitation, question your hairstylist's knowledge of good hair care. If he or she thinks a good hair treatment resides in only a bottle labeled "deep conditioner" and a plastic cap, that stylist is sadly mistaken.

Lucky for you, that's why I'm here ladies and gents. To inform my general audience on wonderful hair care products that work and do a damn good job of maintaining healthy hair. But first let me say this, protein is good for your hair (and nails). Your hair strand has a fiber called Keratin and it's very happy when you're not breaking it down. Keratin is like the Embassy Suites to protein. It's where it loves to reside, but when you kick it out with lots of chemical breakdowns and negligent hair care, it's giving you the "peace" sign and packing its bags. Keratin helps your hair stay strong and it also promotes hair growth. That's why it's always best to buy products that appear to be a proponent of Keratin. You'll also find, that if you're a fan of Dominican hairstyling, they use products with protein (same thing). And anything that says Humectant, that's a good advocate for keeping your Keratin fibers happy-go-lucky.

Kerastase is an awesome line. I used to work in the spa industry and was the retail manager at a high-end spa. I heard about Kerastase from a hairstylist that used me as a model for a haircutting modular. She swore by it and this girl was a helluva stylist, she was a master stylist for the spa & a hairstyle educator for their training program. Plus she had platinum blonde hair, but it was always shiny and super healthy! So I ordered a bottle without a second thought. Because I always keep my hair colored and I have a relaxer, I opted for the Bain Miroir & Chroma lines. The Bain Miroir & Chroma lines are specifically for color-treated hair. But that's okay, even if you don't have color, but you get your hair relaxed, your hair needs that extra protein boost. I ordered directly from their website, $32 for the shampoo and they also give you 2 complimentary samples with every purchase. (Kerastase is a Parisian line and I wasn't sure where you could find it around here.) It is absolutely hair delicious! I love it.

Next up, Phyto! (It's pronounced fee-to) My favorite hair care line. (Listen to me, I talk about hair products like they have their own fashion week!) Anyway, I love the Phyto line. It's another French product. It's a phenomenal line, that's formulated from plant extracts. So there's no harsh chemical stripping your sensitive hair shaft. They have different sub-lines that are color coded and specified for a certain type of hair or the achievable result. I use their PhytoCitrus line, which is catered guessed it, color/chemical-treated hair. I use their Vital Radiance Mask ($26 at Nordstroms) and their PhytoSpecific relaxer (while $60 at Sephora) is a weapon of mass destruction! The PhytoSpecific is especially great for African American hair.

Lastly, please stay away from products that leave your hair feeling like sandpaper. Using hard products is like taking a bath, putting lotion on, and then going outside and rolling on the grass naked. I mean what was the point of the conditioner and treatment!
There is one product that I didn't rave about yet. It's a relaxer that I love, but only your cosmetologist can purchase it and that's Affirm. I love it. I use the one for sensitive scalp and it makes my hair feel great!

Great Styling Aids:
KeraCare Foaming Wrap-Set Lotion
Biosilk Silk Therapy (only use a dab after styling hair, for extra shine and that silk feeilng!)

Relaxer Systems:
PhytoSpecific & Affirm

Hair Mask:
Match Repair & Renew Mask ($14 only @ Red Door Spas)
PhytoCitrus Vidal Radiance Mask ($38 in the tub, $26 in the tube)
I know what you're saying, what happened to Mizani and Motions? Well, if you come down my way, and make a right on Highway 58, there's a landfill that you can go to and probably dig 5 years of trash away to find! I can't stand that stuff! When I see a hairstylist with that stuff on their stand, or better yet, giving testimony that it's the bomb, I shake my head and turn 180 degrees and exit the building. I know you're saying, geez...these hair products are expensive! But how much do you spend on frivolous things that you out grow or goes out of style. At least with your hair, they can always say, damn it looks good! Everytime they see you, no matter the season.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Great Debaters

I remember when I was in high school I wanted to be on the debate team. I had never seen an actual organized debate, but I did have ring side seats to watch two master debaters any night of the week, my mother and father. My mother is the pro-debater. She has this way of using words like silver bullets and piercing your heart as if you were the werewolf that terrorized a village. I'd watch the sweat form above my father's brows, a sure sign of possible defeat. But I learned at a very young age, the power in words and how, if carefully chosen, could persuade the most stubborn contender to fold under the pressure of an extensive vernacular.

Which brings me to the blockbuster hit, The Great Debaters. When I saw the movie trailer on TV, I was sure I knew the ending before I even saw how it all began. Our cinematic gods are pushing the story of overcoming struggles. "Without struggle, there is no progress." My main man Frederick Douglas said that. And now Paramount, Dreamworks, FOX, and all the other big wheels have jumped on the bandwagon and are OK'ing scripts where an obstacle is the foundation and hope is the chisel.

In the movie, three very determined students (it initially started with 4), James Farmer, Jr., Henry Lowe (fine, too), and Samantha Booke make up the Wiley College debate team, a small negro college in Texas. There coach and also a literature professor at the college, is none other than Melvin Tolson (Denzel Washington). Yes, Denzel has traded his tailored suits and "Blue Magic" for a polyester knit jacket & pant, and traded his American Gangster persona for an educated and fiery word-conneisseur. He leads the debate team through the Jim Crow south. While watching the movie, the 1930s racial undertones are quite obvious as "Whites Only" signs plague the backgrounds and scenes of black inferiority and white supremacy made me want to rise up and protest. I forgot for a moment that is was circa 2007. But my father was born in 1937, so I'm only one generation away from the "Coloreds Only" section.

The team is a hit! They tear up colleges in the south with their ruthless debates and puts the old affirmation, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, to shame! I laughed, cried and cheered throughout the movie. A Harpo production, and directed by the leading man Denzel Washington, this is definitely an Oscar contender! Go and see for yourself!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Carpe Diem 2008

January 1, 2008

Dear Readers,

I hope and pray that as you celebrated on the eve of 2008, you were safe in your travels and jubilation. And after the ball dropped, the last call for alcohol, and you returned to your homes(or Embassy Suites), I hope that you awakened this morning with a purpose for a new year.

You will become what you seek! Whether it be vanity or dreams, use discretion as you seek after things that may not be as fulfilling as you thought they would be. Be wiser in your decision-making and be a more disciplined and determined individual.

Live every day to its fullest capacity! Enjoy the moments of laughter, joy, triumph, victory, and even defeat. Because in defeat, we learn the true lessons of life. Think about it, when you look back on life do you remember the easy times or do you reflect on arduous moments where you were defeated, but somehow, you picked up your white flag and walked away with your head held high. Lesson learned in tow and a wiser you celebrating your ability to survive it all. Those are the times when you truly define who you are.

2008 will be a victorious year for me. I believe I will far exceed the realms of my own thinking. With or without the support of others, I will come into a season of destiny and I wll gladly entertain all that she has hidden from me. Thank you all for reading and pushing my writing to another level. Maybe I'll hit the print stands this year!

P.S. Check out this month's BYOB below. A great read to inspire a great year!