
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hmmmmm...what's wrong?

Do you ever find yourself in a period of unproductivity? When you feel like you're not on top of things like you should? Deadlines pass, the to do-list is never done, and your daily routine turns into a unconscious, unmemorable regime. You trek through your day as if, someone pulled a string connected to your brain and watched you hop, flip and skip around mentally paralyzed.

Lately, that's how I've been feeling. I feel a disconnect within, but I'm not sure where the screws are loose. Is it my job, love life, family life, or is it just one of those things about "me". Damn, just when you thought all you had to was put on a "happy face" and everyday would be a great day!


yummy411 said...

like monica sang "just one of them days!"-- or weeks. i so feel you! the disconnect within or losing focus of myself and my "life's work."

to pull myself out of it, i try to pick a decent sized, but reasonable goal to accomplish and focus in on that. if i feel i can get over the feeling doing smaller tasks/goals, i'll mix a 'to do list' with my 'list of things that make me happy' because i feel better or together when i'm doing those things. they are priorities too....

-get x, y and z done
-pick up that sexy lipstick (lol)
-wash clothes
-use the tropical body exfoliator

=) take care hon...

KeShaJo said...

Thanks Kia. I needed that. Girl I thought I was the only one in the universe that this happens to. I just feel like, I don't know, sucky about everything. Can't really put my finger on it, but I know it'll pass.