
Monday, January 21, 2008

Thinking about LEAVING this place...

I'm thinking of moving to Europe. London is my first family has no idea and would cringe at the thought of me relocating across the big river, with my six year old brat in tow...but hey, (singing like Cyndi Lauper) "Girls just want to have fun!".

Italy is up next. Which city? Well, why not pick the one I named my daughter after...Milan. But then I hear it's not too spiffy on the eyes. Very trashy and unkept. That sounds like a few cities I frequent often in the states...: ) Then Rome comes to mind, and Venice. Florence and that Tuscany appeal....I'd surely turn into a Wino! Of course, with moving to Italy, I'd have to brush up on my Italiano. Buon giorno. Mi chiamo...Dove il luogo di pizza è? LOL! That would be my daughter's favorite question to ask!

I'd love to live in Paris. But then, once again I'd have to take French. I took that in high school and only remember the typical basic phrases and to curse someone out and ask for oral sex. Don't ask me how I found the latter out?
I also heard that Ireland is kinda dope, too. Maybe Dublin would be my city of choice. I guess if I don't like beer now, I'll have to love it there!

Why do I want to live abroad? Because I love diversity and I love to travel. That's the one thing that my family engrafted into my lifestyle as a child. Now as an adult, I want to take it beyond the red-white-and-blue, and into another part of the world that's another definition of beautiful and exciting.


yummy411 said...

go go go go kendra! lol.. after my studies abroad i said that i would live AT LEAST two places internationally and 3 places domestically. i dream of backpacking, just me and the babyyums; i dream of him coming home from school talking to his friends in another language and speaking english to his mom at home.... after doing 3rd world for a while, i changed my mind, but the bug is coming back....ahhh there's still time!

KeShaJo said...

I know that's right! Me too...I want Milan to one day have a cool British accent! :)

Elle said...

I would LOOOOOVE to move abroad for a few years...I'm over this country. Especially if Obama doesn't become president...I'm out!

KeShaJo said...

@ elle...I second that. I think our only black president was JFK!

Anonymous said...

Been to London - You'll love it!!! Its so worldly and modern... BTW I always said if I had a daughter I'd name her Milan. So, Needless to say your daughters name is fly !! :O)