
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Carpe Diem 2008

January 1, 2008

Dear Readers,

I hope and pray that as you celebrated on the eve of 2008, you were safe in your travels and jubilation. And after the ball dropped, the last call for alcohol, and you returned to your homes(or Embassy Suites), I hope that you awakened this morning with a purpose for a new year.

You will become what you seek! Whether it be vanity or dreams, use discretion as you seek after things that may not be as fulfilling as you thought they would be. Be wiser in your decision-making and be a more disciplined and determined individual.

Live every day to its fullest capacity! Enjoy the moments of laughter, joy, triumph, victory, and even defeat. Because in defeat, we learn the true lessons of life. Think about it, when you look back on life do you remember the easy times or do you reflect on arduous moments where you were defeated, but somehow, you picked up your white flag and walked away with your head held high. Lesson learned in tow and a wiser you celebrating your ability to survive it all. Those are the times when you truly define who you are.

2008 will be a victorious year for me. I believe I will far exceed the realms of my own thinking. With or without the support of others, I will come into a season of destiny and I wll gladly entertain all that she has hidden from me. Thank you all for reading and pushing my writing to another level. Maybe I'll hit the print stands this year!

P.S. Check out this month's BYOB below. A great read to inspire a great year!


yummy411 said...

great post! happy new years! be great in '08!

btw... did you do something differently to your feed? my google reader is outdated (not showing your new posts)

KeShaJo said...

Girl, I noticed that but then when I went and re-subscribed everything came back up! I don't know...I'm still learning the ins and outs of this blogger. Just when I think I'm getting it....Strike!